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Mohannad Bshiwa

A pilot and sports coach

“After a long trip, it took around six years abroad, and that’s only for my family dream to be a pilot, now here I am they call me the” pilot who doesn’t fly “

When I was 18, I left Libya to study civil aviation, and despite my young age, I flew on my first solo flight in the same year.

And as time went by, I felt that time was running quickly, I thought that because of school and duty, I tried to change my routine, but it didn’t work, and eventually I knew the reason was “depression.”

Because of my young age, I was not mixing up with Western society then and could not accept that their lifestyle differed from mine and my tradition, which increased my loneliness and depression, and even though I taught a prestigious and desirable specialty to many around the world; But I wasn’t entirely satisfied with studying this specialty, so I decided to give up what I studied and get out of the blame circle.

I loved sports, I become a sports instructor specializing in fitness and muscle balance, and in the future seeking to spread a new sports culture in my Libyan community.

In the last four years; I have regained so much of my lost happiness, and I will continue to experience whatever I love, whether it’s successful or failed, failure will refine my skill to succeed, and every time and every experience I get happier and more confident in what I want.

I admit now that the option of leaving my discipline is not the wisest decision, especially in the current circumstances, but who knows? Maybe I’ll go back to the wheelhouse someday after all these experiments”.
