“I used social media for entertainment and to share my diary with friends like everyone else until I began to notice that this virtual world has become a place full of opportunities: whether to get a job, or to develop one’s self, or to form a network of relationships that will help one achieve his goals; and here was the beginning…
I was troubled by the idea of ​​widespread unemployment in our Libyan society, along with the ease of getting involved in illegal activities that tempt people to make money. Since I was passionate about everything related to the job market in Libya, from self-marketing, how to write a CV, to getting a job and how to conduct job interviews, especially since I have 14 years of experience in this field; I decided to share my experience with young people out of my sense of social responsibility towards them.
But I was not sure if it would receive acceptance, so I asked a question on my personal page: whether there are people interested in attending a workshop on acquiring skills to get a job, and I was surprised by a quick and large response from young people expressing their interest, and indeed I started preparing for the workshop and it was successful. Since then, I took the matter seriously, so I presented the workshop in more than (10) Libyan cities and to (2000) people, and to several parties, most notably: student unions, training centers, scouts and guides, and civil society organizations, and most of the workshops were free or for a symbolic fee. After that, I got the opportunity to train trainers for an international organization, so I became a certified trainer, which contributed to the development of my skills. And with this, my passion became my career and my source of income.
Today, I am a certified trainer in this field, and I also created a YouTube channel that contains all the workshops that I have presented so that they are a reference and archive for those who want to return to them, and it’s also a step forward to use the Internet and social media for the benefit of society. I feel happy when I receive support from young people telling me that they are benefiting from what I offer them. Finally, I advise young people to never stop learning, not pay attention to other people’s destructive criticism and move forward until their goals are fulfilled.”